All lead and casters and fondue-eaters should be said that the first point I do not bother, but I can not explain to me why people do this voluntarily Tor-torture. Caustic sip in the stand-cold, mostly over the whole day, if you value the moronic stage program at close range, plastic glasses with thick gloves and a red nose Lid l shower, push themselves thereby from stultifying Suffnasen, mob and can touch at the very worst - of this Brandenburg Gate is a den of iniquity, I tell you!
You notice, perhaps, that I this mainstream event for young, old, Dick and Doof abgewinnen can not do much and that may be because there's always that only the creme de la creme of musical bore occurs. Also this year the line-up all my fears exceed: Udo Juergens, DJ Bobo, The BossHoss, Marianne Rosenberg, Hermes House Band and Culture Beat vomit with Da wish-we-even-yet-to-stars Andrew Bourani, Cassandra Wilson, Brandon Flowers and Glass Bead Game, the jack in the hand. Moment, because I have not yet forgotten anyone Jaha! The year 2012 could not start better, of course, as with the turning-hit "Wind of Change", sung live by the Scorpions!

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