
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jackie Guerrido receive a special gift

Although still in the competition of 'Come Dancing' Jackie Guerrido seems to be having a great time. The intense stress testing, physical complaints, his regular job as a reporter of the time and criticism of the judges are a little depressed.

His two sons, who are co-Jackie, are not foreign to this distress of his mother and that's why I wanted to give a big surprise to lift some spirits.

The two teens went to find out the test on Saturday with a special gift, a very sweet and friendly puppy who because he was named Princeton Guerrido.

With great emotion the same Jackie shared the details of their children in their social network page Twitter and even confessed that he was very excited to know how their children are so concerned about her that always wants to see happy and look what it takes to succeed.

What we do notice is that since the competition began, 'Look who dances' nothing has been heard from her husband, Don Omar, she and sharing meals, tests or talking about him, not the singer issuing any opinion. No doubt this has become more mysterious marriage of show business.

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