We are part of a telephone interview with Natalia, who proved to be so funny and hyperactive like his character. 26 year old actress also sings and plays accordion in a band, Molotov Jukebox, and do not hesitate to share with us how you felt last night at the premiere in London, including profanity.
"It was wonderful. I had so much fun. Our band had a party to celebrate the launch of our easy the day before and last night was the premiere of Harry Potter, so they've been two days of pure celebration. I am suffering so much at the moment, and I have a terrible hangover ... But there have been two incredible nights. Last night I ate too much and drank too much champagne. All my band and I stayed up late. “With that in mind, we began our discussion of Harry Potter:
How different was filming Deathly Hallows that Order of the Phoenix?
This time Tonks has grown, it has fallen in love and pregnant. More or less reflects my life, because I feel I have matured over the years in which I interpreted, and also I love too. This film is so dark, extremely dark. It feels different in many ways.
Do you have a larger role in Part 1 or Part 2?
Actually I have no idea, because you never know what will happen. Film is then cut so much, I honestly do not know. its have more scenes in the first part or leave in the second. Do not see it until you edit and finish. But obviously I'm pretty excited to see the end. I can not wait to see the battle of Hogwarts and see how they did it.
What does it mean for you the role of Tonks?
For me it has changed my life, to have magic. It was nice to make a character that has magic and can change its appearance. That was very important to me, have a role and also for children to move much, because the book is a big part and I think the kids will love and identify with his personality change itself when want.
What are you like most and least Tonks?
I'm more in that I am also rather clumsy. Furthermore, how it reflects her feelings on her dress. If I feel horrible, ugly used clothing and I feel horrible. And if instead I'm happy, I decide to wear something bright red, so to speak. His appearance reflects his emotions. And at least ... (Thinks a moment). In the movies seems very quiet. Is such a crazy and interesting, but it is very quiet and not me in the slightest. I like to talk a lot.
How did you feel when filming the last movie?
It was actually very funny, because one of the first scenes we shot was the wedding, and was at the beginning of summer. Then when we were not working, all went out to enjoy the sunshine and then I played my accordion. There were so many extras and I love that because then stay to chat. So we all played music and sang and it was divine. I also enjoyed being with Lupin (David Thewlis), who plays my husband. He is so incredible; it's a very funny man. I loved being at his side.
What is most exciting to be part of a phenomenon like Harry Potter?
Sometimes kids think they really are magical. Some come up to you to talk to you or to ask for an autograph and notes in their eyes for them, you're a witch. I think that's absolutely wonderful and so magical to think that, you can do magic and change your hair color.
Ever wanted to play another role that was not Tonks?
I would love to be Dolores Umbridge and play with this evil and dark side that is. I also love Bellatrix Lestrange, who I think another fantastic figure.
Is there any other scene that comes Tonks in the books but did not appear in the films you have liked to see?
Yes, I would have loved that in the sixth film had shown that Tonks was really depressed; it's something that told in the book. There is wandering and you see very sad, because everything is changing around them and above all in love with Lupin. All the movies believe that Tonks is happy and colorful, but I would like the public to know that they really felt terrible.
How do you feel now that the saga is over?
Is great. I mean, everything has to come to an end, and the way he did is wonderful. While people are dying and that sucks, sacrifice for something you believe, and I loved that ending.
What are your upcoming projects?
I did a movie this summer during a film festival in Scotland which was complete chaos. I had never done something like Guerrilla. I did not sleep for five days and only lived on chocolate bars and Red Bull. Do not know the name because they have changed the title. But then, I will 'Game of Thrones', a program for HBO due out next year.
Finally, how does it feel to be the only Spanish-speaking actress in the entire series of Harry Potter?
I had not really thought about until I went to Miami and saw it was something important to people. At first I noticed it, but then I started talking to many people and fans and notes the importance of something, it can be a Hispanic actress work at this level.
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