
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The worst memory of Kim Kardashian Christmas

The star of reality, Kim Kardashian, Has what was the gift caused the most grief this holiday season.

I think I have not had a gift which may be regarded as very bad, or that I produce sadness. I have had strange gifts, but never ill-considered present. For example, once gave me a toy when he was 16.

That was weird. What happens is that I brought an Aunt I had not seen for years, and thought his 'nephew' was still a baby. The following year, I gave him an album photos to always remember how much I grew.

But that gift mine does not compare to that Kim Kardashian received a Christmas. A dog named Valentina. But the sad thing about this gift ceased to exist is that two weeks later.

"Her name was Valentina, but died two weeks later. Do you know that snails leave a poison? My dog was found with it, got excited and ate it. Then he died poisoned. “A pity.

Do you remember your worst gift, or who made them feel sad?

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