Take a look at Madonna, as long as they can stand on his well-toned legs yet. Kreissch! LUV Madonna which person is determined and quite to expensive, but is looking forward immensely to Pottschalk mercilessly ageless diva live to see again. Sun also polarize her character may be so rough I'm leaving on their stage shows.
On 6/28/2012 Madonna is in the context of their world tour to take the O2 World in Berlin, and I let myself miss out on any account. For Pottschalk which is now really the message of the day, because despite all the land I love it blasphemous to their concerts to celebrate.

After all, they gave me bescherrt best pop concerts of all time in their Confessions Tour 2006 in Dusseldorf. Although the entry was a little bumpy, as due to a blender spent in her dressing room, the "samples" and later had some fans including Pottschalk had the pleasure to watch them in rehearsal, but her warm words of welcome to me are still in memory remained. "This is not part of the show, enjoy yourself, but please shut the fuck off ..."On 6/28/2012 Madonna is in the context of their world tour to take the O2 World in Berlin, and I let myself miss out on any account. For Pottschalk which is now really the message of the day, because despite all the land I love it blasphemous to their concerts to celebrate.

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