Why, Why, Why, what I see there? A couple in love! Wrong, firstly because we are in spite of occasional excesses of infantile Potts chalk not in kindergarten and second, Ashley Tisdale and Scott Speer not married. Nevertheless, the two are a cute couple and mega doll in love, as we see in the pictures very beautiful. After breakfast in Toluca Lake, the two treated themselves a nice walk. From the restaurant we went directly to the car and we know that is not in America to run free. So we can call this small "Walk" by Ashley Tisdale and Scott Speer even as a walk.

Tired of watching someone here? So I find the pictures interesting, because at least we now know who where the morning brings the bread. Either both or none! Ha and I'm sure it's destined for these two are still so fresh in love acting bluff so, as they do for a second lose sight of ... is not that sweet? Incidentally, Ashley Scott and already over 1 1 / 2 years together and that's the age and Hollywood "relationships" really a compliment worth mal...
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